Assembly and packaging : we are able to mount food kits, to label various containers (bags, bottles), etc. We also assembly hardware parts and kits, tablet computers supports… We put together and package anything that can be processed while sitting at a table!
Bagging : everything that needs to be counted and placed in a bag. We offer a service for sealing items in a plastic bag. For example: count and insert plastic utensils, fold t-shirts, etc.
Mailing : we are able to prepare everything for a mass mailing campaign. We put together documents, fold them, insert in envelopes, apply mailing stickers, close the envelopes, apply the stamps and deliver to the post office.

Other services : we have cut ribbons, put programs together for a show, displayed stickers for a change of address, sharpened pencils for a competition, assembly gift bags for a golf tournament, sorted business cards…